Saturday, June 27, 2009

Casey Cooper Pictures!

I had Casey Cooper do a photo shoot of all of us. I just got the link to the images. If you want to check them out... feel free! Let me know what you think! I really had a good time with her and she does great work. If you are looking for a photographer... give her a call!


shannon said...

Aw, I love them, especially the ones of Kaylen and Tripp!

Ashley Turnbull said...

Love them too! Casey did a great job! She is making her way around our friends' group, huh? Did you see Connie's pictures? Oh, and yes...stop by tonight or tomorrow night (you said you'd be in the neighborhood one of those nights). We would love to have company!

Jodi said...

Wow - what GREAT pictures!!! I loved them ALL! :)