Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Program

So the kids christmas program was a while ago but I have been really busy at work. I had a great view on both of my kiddos this year. It isn't obvious from the videos but Kaylen is a donkey. You can pretty much tell that Tripp is an angel. I really thought that Tripp would scream and cry like he did at the Halloween program but he did great... the trick? Smarties!

Here is a sample:

My little donkey... her hat was so big, this was what we saw most of the program.
My sweet angel! How deceptive this picture really is! The teachers say he is really good at school... I think he was still in school mode for this picture because his teacher took the photo.
These two are seriously precious together. They are having their first spend the night party together this week. They are both soooo excited about it!

My kids were in the absolute best mood after the show. Well, Tripp was. Kaylen got a little sad that we decided to get our Taziki's to go instead of going in to eat. I have a funny video and sweet pictures from our car ride. A very impromptu moment.

I have to say, I never thought my kids would get along as well as they do. That may not always be the case but when they disappear, I plan to come back to these days and remember how great it was. Of course, my prayer is that it never changes. :)
This is an interview with Kaylen and just a taste of Tripp in a good mood and all hopped up on sugar! :)


Anonymous said...

Pictures are precious, but could not pull up the first and last installment. All that I saw was so very cute. So looking forward to spending some time with you all this next week.


Mimi said...

Not sure why Baba could not pull up everything. It just took some time for me. They looked so cute. Tripp definitely had a sugar high! Kaylen you did a great job! Way to sing out!
Love ya!!!