For some reason I took a major break from blogging so I need to catch up a bit. We had an absolutely wonderful Christmas. My pictures are a little jumbled and all from my phone so you can tell I am not as organized as I once was.
So here goes: This is our trip to Santa's Village. By this time my kids had seen Santa so many times, they were over it. Kaylen wasn't that way so much but Tripp was.
Kaylen was so happy to be there and finally see snow. Bless her heart she thinks it should be snowing like last year. I keep trying to tell her last year was special and that doesn't always happen. Tripp was wild as always! He had the best time! He kept taking those candy canes off their posts though. But he was all smiles!!!! Kaylen and Rylie gave each other a little jewelry for Christmas this year. This is the best friends necklace Rylie gave Kaylen. They love to wear stuff and be twinkies. Sweet girls!
Our trip to Gatlinburg was awesome. We stayed an extra day and I think we all really enjoyed the extra time. We went to Wonder Works (the upside down house) and then a magic show that evening. It was all so much fun and there were so many things to do. Kaylen and I rock-climbed and did a high ropes course. That girl is so brave! I was a proud Momma! Tripp was absolutely wild in there and Allen gets the Best Dad of the Day Award for keeping up with him! We also ran into these characters on the strip in downtown Gatlinburg. My kids absolutely love people in costume. Always have! It is a tradition that Uncle Wayne makes us all breakfast one day and we all sleep in late and laze around until the afternoon. It is such a relaxing day in the midst of all the chaos of the Christmas Season. This year Kaylen helped with the pancakes. She loved it! She felt sooo big!! She flipped them all by herself! This is the first time we saw Santa this season. And what a great Santa he was! We were walking around at Bridge Street and there he was just hanging out! Tripp wasn't with us so only Kaylen got to see him. Here are my beautiful babies on Christmas Eve about to walk into church. They were so good during the service. They both went in and enjoyed it with us. Here is a sneak peak at what Santa brought the kids this year. K got a trampoline and since it was outside Santa sent her on a scavenger hunt. She looooved that! She couldn't believe that Santa had been all over the house and in her room!!!! The kids jumped out there even when they were shivering cold! We had to make them come in!Tripp got a train table. He actually has played with it a lot! You never know if the toys they get are going to be things they will actually enjoy or not. :) Santa was good to us all this year but we tried to focus our thoughts on giving instead of receiving. I tried to make sure K knew that we give because God gave the ultimate gift by sending his son for us. So this year, Kaylen did a 12 days of Christmas knock-n-run thing for Rylie where she left gifts each day with a little poem about the gift. It was really fun and Rylie caught Kaylen before the end but they kept it a secret. ;)
One day during the break I came in to this. The kids had gotten on my iPad and chosen a song and Tripp was dancing up a storm! So I videoed him without his knowledge. Cracks. Me. Up.
1 comment:
Tripp is quite the little dancer. It's in the genes!
1 comment:
Tripp is quite the little dancer. It's in the genes!
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