Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Crazy Kaylen

Alright... so i cant get this baby to smile for anything! Everytime she sees the red light that shines before the picture takes to reduce red eye she looks really confused and that is the picture i get! So here are my attempts at smiles from Kaylen:


Anonymous said...

Looks like Kaylen is on her way to becoming an actress! "And here's my shocked face! And here's my confused face! And here's my happy face!" hehehe :)

dawn wilson said...

too funny! she is a mess! Jill, i will be in Indy in October. I think around the 14th. I hope I see you and Angela.

Anonymous said...

Cool Dawn! Hope we get to see you. Coming for a wedding or something?

Aw she does have a little orange nose! Cute :)

Jodi said...

That is HILARIOUS!!! :)